Frareg – Video Tool


Fa produzione di Film

In qualitĆ  di produttore multimediale, AVH collabora con importanti aziende dal 2009 per fornire loro ambiziosi materiali di comunicazione.

Specializzata in QHSE, l’azienda ha prodotto regolarmente campagne mirate alla sensibilizzazione sui rischi sul posto di lavoro per conto del gruppo Saint-Gobain prima di passare al materiale di formazione tecnica.

A fare film digitali!

Nel 2013, AVH ha ritenuto che il materiale audiovisivo istituzionale fosse in grado di passare al livello successivo incorporando nuove tecnologie di comunicazione in modo tale da creare uno strumento che fosse interattivo e partecipativo e che si avvicinasse all’azione.

Grazie ad una proficua collaborazione con Saint Gobain e IPS Insitution pour le ProgrĆØs et la SĆ©curitĆ© au Travail, Video Tool ĆØ passato dallo status di progetto a quello di strumento operativo, che occupa il posto di un concetto unico nel suo genere.



12 anni di esperienza in video di sicurezza



A television and cinema director, Chris brings to the table the precision of a professional director, capable of managing various teams and ensuring filming focuses on what matters in addition to having a keen eye with regards to everything to do with the filmā€™s effectiveness. He was the director of the thriller The Hunters, distributed by Lionsgate, and is regularly involved with major national TV series.


A producer and director, he is the brain behind the Video Tool concept. He founded AVH with the aim of providing an innovative, multi-sector range based on the open use of video materials. Previously, he had occupied roles as a line producer and manager at Humal Productions in addition to a variety of roles in the field of communication with major companies over the course of the past 12 years.


Producer and Production Manager. His expertise involves transforming a project into a film. With a solid background in all things set-related and 10 years of experience working in production for the mass market, ranging from thrillers to cartoons and content aimed at youngsters, he is a specialist in ensuring production runs as smoothly as possible, from team management to overseeing the project itself.


Marc Caissial, 50 years old, computer enthusiast since the age of 12, is an engineer graduatedfrom TELECOM Nancy and holds a Masters (DEA) in
computer science from the University of Lorraine. Forensic computer expert at the Nancy Court of Appeal, he has been the founder and manager for more than 20 years of 2 IT service companies operating in Lorraine ā€“ France.


After several years of experience in the Ministry of Finance, in Banking, in Insurance Company, then in brokerage. He founded Ellience with the desire to deploy revolutionary employee social protection 3.0: transofrming in the sterile costs of the company into an investment in prevention. it’s mission: to give the company back the financial means for it’s prevention or to boost it’s capacities!

Marc Caissial, 50 years old, computer enthusiast since the age of 12, is an engineer graduatedfrom TELECOM Nancy and holds a Masters (DEA) in computer science from the University of Lorraine. Forensic computer expert at the Nancy Court of Appeal, he has been the founder and manager for more than 20 years of 2 IT service companies operating in Lorraine ā€“ France.
William Couturier
After several yearsof experience in the Ministry of Finance, in Banking, in Insurance Company, then in brokerage. He founded Ellience with the desire to deploy revolutionary employeesocial protection 3.0: transforming the sterile costs of the company into an investmentin prevention. Its mission: to give the company back the financial means for its prevention or to boostits capacities!