Frareg – Video Tool

"What if that were me?"

Some topics need training
that goes beyond "the usual."

Available formats:

5 min

2 to 4 days of filming in one of your plants.

12 to 20 customizable sequences : plant, portrait, teams, right steps to take

The scripted short tells a story which could happen to any of your teams. The story usually describes a situation that led to an accident. Shorts have a powerful effect on scarcely noticeable hazards, common misunderstandings, or bad habits.

40 seconds average

2 to 4 days of filming in one of your plants.

12 to 20 customizable sequences : plant, portrait, teams, right steps to take

very short duration maximum impact. Shock therapy is the way to combat bad habits...

40 seconds average

30 minutes each. But much better to produce lots of them in a one day shooting

2 to 3 customizable sequences : portrait, teams, right steps to take

focuses on one specific instruction or step

Long term actions : safety campaigns

One filming session is sufficient to work long term

Video Tool continues to engage your teams thanks to several mini film shoots, which will enable you to keep your teams involved in the long term.